
To partner with communities in Uganda so that children and their families thrive and experience fullness of life for generations.

At HEED, fullness of life means that people experience physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing within their communities. In the place where they live, people have access to enough food and water, education, opportunity for improved livelihoods, basic health services, and a flourishing Christian church.


Stop for the One

HEED believes that every individual is a child of God, and it is our hope that through our work they would know the love of Jesus.

Participatory Approach

to community development. Local stakeholders should be central actors in the prioritization, design, implementation, and evaluation of HEED’s work.

Assets-Based Approach

to community development. God has equipped every individual with gifts, talents, skills, knowledge, and wisdom to transform their lives and communities.

Empowering and Building on Community Capacity

HEED strategies focus on educating, training, employing, lending, and leveraging additional resources. One-way giving of aid is reserved for instances of crisis.


The family unit is the primary building block of community. HEED strategies should support the health of family units and not interfere with the cohesion of family units.

Strategic Approach

Ebenezer Schools Partnership

we directly impact the lives of children so they may become changemakers who live, work, and create transformation in their community.

Community Engagement

we collaborate with local leaders and institutions to advance their development goals for sustained transformation.

Organizational Growth and Health

work, we build capacity and design and implement systems to advance program workstreams.